Saint Charles
Early Childhood Education Center
"Sharing in the Wonder of God's Creation"
COVID-19 Precautions at St. Charles
St. Charles is committed to providing the safest possible environment for our staff and students. Please see below for a list of the guidelines we are following while continuing to offer excellent care during the global pandemic:
Entering & Exiting the Building
Every staff member and student must confirm that they and their household are free of COVID-19 symptoms and have not had close contact with a COVID+ individual. Staff and students must understand and exercise their responsibility to stay home when sick. Parents are not allowed inside the building during drop off and pick up. Parents are asked to drop off and pick up according to a staggered class schedule. Classes have been assigned specific building entrances.
Classroom Safety
Staff members are supplied with masks, face shields, and gloves, if desired. Desks and tables are spaced apart in the classroom. Proper hand washing is taught and frequently repeated throughout the day. Ventilation of fresh air into the classrooms and building has been maximized. Class groups do not mingle to eliminate exposure between classes. Classes either have their own bathroom, or share bathroom facilities with one other class, with all surfaces sanitized between classes.
Cleaning Procedures
Staff members are provided with ample cleaning supplies and PPE. Staff cleans surfaces (indoors and out) frequently throughout the day. Our cleaning company disinfects all areas every evening.
The playground is divided with tennis nets to create distinct areas for class groups to play without mixing. The blacktop is outfitted with additional play equipment to allow for extra outdoor time. In the event of inclement weather, the gym is divided by a curtain to create distinct areas for class groups to play without mixing. All playground surfaces are sanitized between classes.
Special Events
Special event attendance may be canceled, restricted, or moved online.
In the Event of a Positive Test or a Shutdown
In the event that a staff member or student tests positive for COVID-19, a class is required to quarantine for 5 days, returning on Day 6 after submitting negative test results.
In the event that a VDH-ordered school-wide, pandemic-related shutdown occurs, only Daycare rate children will remain our care, and all half-day students will remain at home. Morning-only students will not be charged for the weeks they are denied services. While teachers may share activity suggestions with families, no virtual instruction will be offered.