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Saint Charles Preschool
"Sharing in the Wonder of God's Creation"
St. Charles for Two-Year-Olds
Children must turn two by September 30 to be eligible for our two year old class.

Our two-year-old program curriculum is modified from Virginia’s Comprehensive Standards for Four-Year-Olds to be appropriate for a younger age group. Teachers provide guided learning experiences to scaffold understanding of basic social and academic concepts. By exploring their interests and abilities within the safe environment of the classroom, each child is encouraged to express their individuality through preferences and opinions. In addition to their classroom time, our two year-olds participate in weekly Music, P.E., and Chapel programs.
2 morning class (Th/F)
3 morning class (M/Tu/W)
5 morning class (Mon-Fri)*
*can be combined with full daycare
Morning classes are 8:30am-12:00pm.
Full daycare hours are 7:30am-5:30pm.
Program Fast Facts
Small class sizes capped at 12 students
12:2 student to teacher ratio

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